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On one side of this contract, the Yüreklere Umut Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “YUVA”) located at the address “Çınarlı Mahallesi 1583/2 Sokak No:2 B/Blok Kat:1 D:130 Konak/Izmir”, on the other side; There is a person who is/will be a member of the website (hereinafter briefly referred to as the "Site") owned by YUVA (hereinafter referred to as "Member") and this agreement states that the rights and obligations of the parties; It was created in order to determine the conditions of use of the services, applications and content offered on the site.



The definitions of the following words expressed in this contract are as follows;

“Site”; The site consisting of the domain name and sub-domains connected to this domain name,

"User"; Every natural and legal person accessing the site online (on-line),

"Member"; Real and legal persons who benefit from the services offered within the site within the conditions specified in this contract,

“Membership”: It is completed by the “User” who wishes to become a “Member” from the relevant section of the portal, by filling out the membership form required to become a member, providing the identity information, making the registration by confirming the correctness of the identity information, and confirming the registration process by YUVA. You cannot have the right and authority to become a "Member" defined in this agreement before the membership process is completed.



YUVA will provide the following services through the Site to the Member who approves this contract;

  • Right to be elected to the Supreme Advisory Board,

  • The right to attend management meetings as an audience, provided that YUVA is informed in advance,

  • Adding 5 points to the score sheet of our children who apply for a scholarship with a member reference,

  • Planting a sapling in the YUVA Grove on behalf of each of our new members,

  • Digitally transmitting the Sapling Donation Certificate to each of our new members, specially issued for their names,

  • Delivering YUVA desktop calendars to our members every new year as long as their membership continues,

  • Sharing information and content about YUVA's activities,

  • Sharing news about YUVA, up-to-date information about YUVA studies, publications and similar content,

  • Survey applications to be carried out in order to measure the satisfaction level of the products and services offered by YUVA, to share compatibility/opinions about new services and to increase the service quality,

  • Making the Member's membership transactions on the Site; Receiving and keeping the Member's personal information (name, surname, e-mail, date of birth, mobile phone) securely,

  • Ensuring that this information is updated on the Site by the Member when requested by the Member or when the Site deems necessary due to security practices,



  • If the member wishes to become a member of the Site, he must first accept and undertake to fill in the YUVA Membership Pre-Application Form published on the Site with correct information and to comply with the provisions of the Membership Agreement specified in this document.

  • The member clicks on the Submit button in line with his/her decision. When you click on the Submit button, you will have accepted the terms in this Agreement.

  • A message is sent to the member via the official YUVA e-mail address that the pre-application has been accepted.

  • Membership becomes active when the member who receives the message that his preliminary application has been accepted deposits the Member Login Fee (300 TL as of 2021) to the official bank account numbers of YUVA within 15 days.


The Member has a “User Name” and “Password” to be determined by himself, which he needs in order to perform some operations on the Site.


The “User Name” is specific to the Member and the same “User Name” cannot be given to two different members. The “password” is known only to the user. User can change password whenever wants to. The choice and protection of the password is the sole responsibility of the user. YUVA is not responsible for any errors or problems that may arise due to user errors regarding the Member’s password usage. The user who enters his password incorrectly 3 times in a row is directed to the “Forgot Password” section and is asked to complete the security steps to define his new password. The Member, who has successfully completed the security steps, defines his new password and this new password becomes valid each time he logs in as a Member to the Site after this step.


  • The member agrees to pay the monthly membership fee (60 TL/month for the year 2021) determined as of the relevant year. For the continuity of the membership, the member must have paid the amount corresponding to the membership fee of at least 5 months within a year.

  • The member can pay the monthly membership fee on a monthly basis or in a lump sum during the relevant year.

  • The member states that the information in the Membership Form on YUVA’s Site is correct and that, in cases where this information is required (forgetting a password), the member is responsible for any damages that may arise from incorrect or incomplete information, and in such cases his membership may be terminated,

  • The copyright of the services and software provided by YUVA’s Site belongs to YUVA and/or the persons who license or provide content to YUVA, they are protected under intellectual property law, they will be legally and criminally liable in case of violation, these software or services in no way. not to reproduce, distribute, publish, market without permission,

  • YUVA’s personal opinions, thoughts and expressions while using the services on the Site, the responsibility of the files and contents added to the Site belong to it and YUVA cannot be held responsible for these contents,

  • It cannot contain or share any software or material that will damage the site or bring YUVA into conflict with other websites, and assumes all legal and penal responsibilities in case of any criminal situation arising from these reasons,

  • YUVA will not be responsible for the information, messages and files that will be lost and/or received incompletely, or sent to the wrong address due to an incorrect address given by the Members during the use of the services,

  • Not to access the services offered on the site in a way other than as determined by YUVA and in an unauthorized manner, not to change the features of the software and services in any way, not to use the ones that have been changed, and to pay all the material and moral damages that YUVA may incur in case it does not comply with the aforementioned articles,

  • YUVA will not be responsible for any damages that may occur due to the reading of member data by unauthorized persons without the negligence of YUVA (as a result of the member sharing his information with other people, not leaving the site, and similar situations),

  • Not to send messages that are threatening, immoral, racist, discriminatory, contrary to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, laws of other countries of which they are citizens, and international agreements,

  • The correspondence, subject headings, pseudonyms to be added on the site are in accordance with general morals, etiquette and legal rules,

  • Not to harass or threaten other Members and users,

  • Not to act in a way that will affect the use of the services by other Members and users, not to send information or programs that will harm the information or software on other users' computers,

  • Any recording or information obtained by using YUVA services is completely within the consent of the user, failures that may occur on the user's computer, loss of information and other losses are entirely his own responsibility, not to demand compensation from YUVA for any damages he may incur due to the use of the service, not to use YUVA services for commercial or advertising purposes without obtaining permission, that YUVA can monitor the entire system at any time or continuously, YUVA has the right to take necessary actions, remove the Member from the service and terminate the membership if it violates the rules, YUVA may use its own system for commercial purposes,

  • Not to share information that is prohibited to be posted/shared according to the law and not to distribute unauthorized mail such as chain mail, software virus (etc.),

  • Not to record or misuse personal information belonging to others,

  • The Member is personally responsible for all kinds of transactions with the "User Name",

  • Even if he cancels his membership unilaterally, he will be personally responsible for all the actions he performed during his membership before this cancellation,

He has read, accepted and committed all these articles in a way that will not leave any objections later on.



YUVA may temporarily suspend or completely stop the operation of the system at any time. YUVA will not have any responsibility towards its members or third parties due to the temporary suspension or complete suspension of the system.


YUVA is not responsible for the damages incurred by the Member due to technical malfunctions that may occur in the Site services. YUVA does not undertake that its services will always be provided in a timely, safe and error-free manner, that the results obtained from the use of the service will always be accurate and reliable, and that the service quality will meet everyone’s expectations. YUVA reserves the right to interrupt any communication, broadcast, and information transfer made on its own Site at any time that may cause harm, and the right to delete member messages, prohibit the member from services and terminate his/her membership if necessary conditions are met.



In order to provide more qualified and reliable service to the Site Members, YUVA requests the users to provide some personal information (name, age, interests, e-mail address, etc.) from the Members during the membership phase and while using the Site. This information collected in YUVA systems is used to send commercial electronic messages to ensure that Members benefit from YUVA and the Site services in the best and up-to-date way, to be informed about news, campaigns, new product/educational contents, promotions, advertisements and similar announcements, to send unsolicited e-mails by the Member. It is used within YUVA in order to filter mails/information, manage posts and posts according to the preferences determined by the Member.


Personal information shared by the Member with YUVA and the Site is not used other than for this purpose and is not shared with third parties.


The member accepts the use and storage of his personal information by YUVA under these conditions. The Member accepts that commercial electronic messages will be sent by YUVA to the e-mail address provided on the YUVA Site in order to be informed about the campaigns, bulletins, promotions, advertisements and announcements related to YUVA products and services, and that these messages will be made on the basis of the preferences determined. If the Member does not want to receive or does not approve to receive these commercial electronic messages sent by YUVA, the Member uses the option to “unsubscribe from the e-bulletin list” in the commercial electronic message sent.


YUVA does not share the personal information requested from the Members in the membership forms with third parties, and does not use it for commercial purposes for any reason other than activity.


The Member’s personal information can only be disclosed to official authorities if duly requested by the official authorities and in cases where it is obligatory to make a statement to the official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation. YUVA has the right to share the information of its Members with the relevant official authorities if one or all of the following conditions are met.

  • In case of a criminal complaint or an official investigation request against the Member from the official authorities,

  • If it is determined that the member has made a sabotage or attack that will prevent the system from working,

  • In the event that a Member whose membership has been canceled due to the reasons specified in the contract repeats the breach of contract by becoming a Member again, and in other similar cases but not limited to these.


YUVA may allocate quotas in a size it deems appropriate for the storage of its Members’ files. YUVA reserves the right to increase or decrease quotas as needed. YUVA has the authority to back up and delete some or all of the files, messages, and information that members will keep in the environment during their use of the services, in periods that it deems appropriate. YUVA will not be held responsible for backup and deletion processes. YUVA produces information, documents, software, designs, graphics, etc. that it produces and / or purchased from outside. owns the copyrights of the works. Information, documents, software, designs, graphics, pictures, etc. produced by YUVA Members and uploaded to the system at their own will for publication (for example, messages, poems, news, files, videos, web pages added to the Site). has the right to publish all works for promotion, announcement and/or to move them to another address deemed appropriate by YUVA within the Site. It is possible for this published information to be copied and/or published by other users. In such cases, the Member shall not demand any royalties or similar fees from YUVA.


Members are obliged to take the necessary care to protect the intellectual and industrial property rights of others. Members can only upload their copyrighted content to the system. If the Member uploads text, photographs, pictures, logos, videos and other content whose intellectual and industrial property rights belong to someone else, to the system without the permission of the said works and rights holders, YUVA will immediately remove the infringing content and, if necessary, will request the membership of the Members who have committed this violation. has the right to terminate. Members who violate the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties are personally and criminally liable to third parties and public institutions and organizations for these violations and any damages arising from these violations. YUVA provides the content providers and web services users of the personal information transmitted by the Member with the necessary communication, promotion, delivery of goods, advertisements, etc., in a way that does not harass the personal rights of the Member. is fully authorized to use it for other purposes.


YUVA may provide links to other websites. The accuracy of the content published on the linked websites is not guaranteed by YUVA and providing a link does not mean that the content of the linked websites is approved by YUVA. The member agrees that YUVA is not responsible for the contents of the linked websites. The Member is responsible for any damages that may arise due to the use or content of these sites or the services provided. YUVA may make changes in the implementation of this agreement, as well as amend, cancel or add new articles, without having to notify the Members for future technical necessities and compliance with the legislation.


Members can always find and read the agreement at Changes regarding the services will be announced on the Site and when necessary, the Member will be asked to approve the contract changes by clicking the relevant button in order to benefit from the services. For this reason, users are advised to visit the legal warning page each time Members enter the Site. YUVA can turn non-membership services into a membership-required situation over time. YUVA may open additional services, change some of its services partially or completely, or turn them into paid services.

It is YUVA’s decision whether to delete any record of the membership account terminated by the member himself. The member accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim any right or compensation from YUVA, not attribute any fault to YUVA, or impose any criminal liability on deleted records, information and documents that are not stored or backed up, by claiming any legal or contractual justification.



The member declares and undertakes that YUVA’s book records, microfilm, microfiche and computer records will constitute valid, binding, final and exclusive evidence within the meaning of Article 193 of HMK No. 6100 in disputes that may arise from this contract, and that this article is in the nature of an evidential contract.



The term force majeure; In addition to the situations accepted by the law, YUVA’s activities, including but not limited to natural disasters, strikes, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failures, system improvement or renewal works, malfunctions that may occur due to this, power outages, bad weather conditions. will be interpreted as events beyond his control, which he could not prevent even though he showed the necessary care.


YUVA will not be obliged to perform its acts in this contract in all cases deemed legally force majeure; It will not be held responsible in any form or at any level, alleging that the acts are performed wholly or partially, late or incompletely. The Member accepts and undertakes that he/she will not demand any compensation from YUVA under any name, citing any such situation.



In case of disputes that may arise in relation to this contract, the provisions of this contract will be applied first, and in cases where there is no provision, Turkish Laws (TBK, TTK, HMK, TMK and Law No. 5651, etc.) will be applied.



The e-mail address that the member notifies to YUVA is considered the legal mailing address for any notification regarding this contract. Unless the Member notifies YUVA in writing of the changes in their current e-mail addresses within 3 (three) days, the notifications to the old e-mails will be valid and the notifications will be deemed to have been made to them



This agreement enters into force between the parties indefinitely when the User fills the Registration Form and clicks the “I Accept” button at the bottom of the form. The member states that he/she has read, understood and accepted all the articles in this contract accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she confirms the accuracy of the information given about him/her.



The parties may terminate this agreement at any time.

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