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Terms & Conditions


Please read the following terms carefully before accessing and using the Site with the domain name (Site) run by the Yüreklere Umut Foundation (YUVA). Every natural and legal person who benefits from the services offered on this Site or accesses the Site in any way is deemed to have accepted to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. Changes made to these terms become effective immediately upon updating on the Site. You should periodically review the terms of use.


Terms of Use;


  • The services offered on this website are provided by (Site), and the legal owner of the Site is the Yüreklere Umut Foundation (YUVA), and YUVA has the right to use and dispose of the Site.

  • website, domain name, design, “YUVA” brand and logo and all kinds of brands, designs, logos and content created by YUVA in relation to them are the property of YUVA. The copyright and/or other intellectual property rights regarding these are protected by the relevant law and these rights cannot be used, acquired or changed by the Site Users without permission.

  • The User accepts and undertakes that he/she will not reproduce, copy, distribute, process the products, information, pictures, texts, all kinds of information and data on the Site, partially or completely.

  • The User agrees and undertakes in advance to comply with the provisions of the legal regulations and not to violate them while using the Site. Otherwise, all legal and penal obligations to arise will bind the User completely and exclusively.

  • The User may not use the Site in a way that disrupts public order, violates public morals, disturbs and harass others, infringes the intellectual and copyrights of others for an unlawful purpose. In addition, the User cannot engage in activities (spam, viruses, trojan horses, etc.) and actions that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services.

  • The ideas and thoughts expressed, written and used by the Users on the site are completely their own personal views and bind the owner of the opinion. These views and thoughts have no interest or connection with YUVA. YUVA has no responsibility for the damages that the User may suffer due to the ideas and opinions declared by the User and the damages that the User may suffer due to the ideas and opinions declared by the third parties.

  • The user is responsible for the password and account security on the Site and third-party sites. Otherwise, YUVA cannot be held responsible for data loss, security breaches or damage to hardware and devices.

  • The User shall not engage in activities on the Site that will create disproportionately large downloads or damage the technical operation, will not use software or systems such as automatic programs, robots, data scanning on the Site without the prior written consent of YUVA, and that all or part of any content from the Site will not be used in this way. accepts and undertakes that it will not publish and use by copying without permission.

  • Some information such as the name and internet protocol (IP) address of the internet service provider used by YUVA to improve and develop the Site and/or to access the Site within the framework of legal legislation, the date and time the Site was accessed, and the pages accessed while on the Site may be collected.

  • YUVA may use the User's personal information in order to provide better service to the Site Users, to improve its products and services, and to facilitate the use of the Site, depending on the User's express consent or other legal compliance reasons, in the studies regarding the special preferences and interests of the Users. In this regard, Personal Data Protection Policy, Cookie Policy, Clarification Texts and Explicit Consent Forms are published on the Site.

  • YUVA will not disclose personal information transmitted by Users through the Site to third parties. This personal information; It contains all kinds of other information to identify the User, such as name-surname, address, telephone number, mobile phone, e-mail address, and will be referred to as "Confidential Information".

  • The user must provide accurate, complete and up-to-date registration information. Otherwise, this Agreement will be deemed to have been violated and the account may be closed without informing the User.

  • Personal information is not distributed, sold or traded under any circumstances.

  • The site owner in any way and absolutely, unless required by law from the Users; does not request sensitive information such as race and ethnic identity, political opinions, religious and other beliefs, physical or mental health and characteristics. YUVA has no responsibility for the fact that this information has been given and recorded.

  • Confidential Information may only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is duly requested by official authorities and when disclosure to official authorities is obligatory in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation.

  • YUVA reserves the right to change the content of the Site at any time, to suspend, change or terminate any service provided to Users, or to delete User  or member information and data registered on the Site.

  • YUVA may change, update or cancel the Site Terms of Use at any time without the need for prior notice and/or warning in any way or form. Each changed, updated or repealed provision shall be valid for all Users at the date of publication.

  • All kinds of content, information, news, opinions, recommendations, results, reports and the like on the site may be published directly by YUVA and/or by other sources with the written permission of YUVA.

  • Regardless of its source, the user has the right to attempt or not to act according to the content and information on the Site. The legal consequences of the decision to be made in this regard are entirely the User's own. YUVA does not take any responsibility.

  • Violating or attempting to violate the security of the site and its services is prohibited. Criminal action may be taken against those who attempt such violations and a public lawsuit may be filed. Any alleged violation will be investigated by YUVA and if an illegal violation is suspected, relevant legal institutions will be consulted/cooperated. If it is determined that the actions specified in this article have been carried out, the person or persons concerned shall be liable financially, legally and criminally to the person whose rights have been violated and/or YUVA.

  • YUVA suspends Users' access to the Site and services without prior notice, together with the right to reject, remove from the content, delete the information available in the system, regardless of whether the violation occurs in full or not, in case of non-compliance with the general terms of use and privacy conditions on the Site or an attempt to violate the rules. reserves the right (although not obligatory) to receive, terminate, cancel the membership. It also applies in case of an indirect violation or attempted violation of the Terms by a third party acting on behalf of the User. The failure of YUVA to enforce or enforce any legal right or remedy contained in the written conditions herein does not mean that it has waived its rights or accepted the violation.

  • This Site is provided for the benefit of the Users as is and does not contain any warranties, whether written or verbal, specific or general, to the fullest extent permitted by law. THIS AGREEMENT ARTICLE SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. The services offered by YUVA are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and are expressly or implied with respect to the services or application (including all information contained therein), including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. makes no warranty of any kind, statutory or otherwise.

  • If one of the terms of this contract becomes partially or completely invalid, the rest of the contract will continue to be valid.

  • For your questions regarding the Terms of Use of the Site, you can get more information by writing to

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